
Roadmap to improve Ethics in Science and Curb prEdatory publishing (RESCUE)-An IAP Consortium among India, Bangladesh, Benin and Czech Republic.

Researchers worldwide grapple with the “publish or perish” dilemma, leading some to fall into predatory journal traps. 🌍 The issue is especially severe in the developing world. 🌟 But we have some good news to share. Under the umbrella of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) INYAS has joined hands with other three international science academies i.e. Bangladesh🇧🇩, Benin🇧🇯, and the Czech Republic🇨🇿 to form a consortium. 🌟The consortium has received fund support of 50,000 USD from InterAcademy Partnership.🌟 Our mission is to create awareness and unite against predatory publishing practices and push for change at the highest levels to safeguard academic quality and integrity!

Sriparna Chatterjee

Sriparna Chatterjee

Dr. Sriparna Chatterjee's research interests are in the interdisciplinary fields of Materials Chemistry, Physics, and Surface Engineering.