Roadmap to improve Ethics in Science and Curb prEdatory publishing (RESCUE)-An IAP Consortium among India, Bangladesh, Benin and Czech Republic.
Researchers worldwide grapple with the “publish or perish” dilemma, leading some to fall into predatory journal traps. 🌍 The issue is especially severe in the developing world. 🌟 But we have some good news to share. Under the umbrella of the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) INYAS has joined hands with other three international science academies i.e. Bangladesh🇧🇩, Benin🇧🇯, and the Czech Republic🇨🇿 to form a consortium. 🌟The consortium has received fund support of 50,000 USD from InterAcademy Partnership.🌟 Our mission is to create awareness and unite against predatory publishing practices and push for change at the highest levels to safeguard academic quality and integrity!