INYAS is the only recognised academy of young scientist in India which was established in 2014 with the following vision.
Since inception, INYAS has been very active specifically to pursue promotion of science amongst the various strata of the society through science camps, remote area lectures, conferences and other forms of outreach.
During the Pandemic, INYAS has gone a big way to popularise science over internet. A series of online events and webinar organised by INYAS can be seen under activities. Local Chapters INYAS is committed to International collaborations as well as local outreach. INYAS has recently formed seven local chapters: Delhi-NCR, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Kolkata-Bhuvaneshwar, Lucknow-Kanpur, Hyderabad and North-East. These local chapter will also liaison with INSA local chapters to initiate new activities and exponentially increase the impact on ground.