INYAS releases three publications during WINGS workshop 2024

Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS) has always been instrumental in bridging the gender gap in the science & technology ecosystem. Through the WiSDom – Women in Scientific Domain Initiative INYAS initiates workshops, programmes and activities centric to women empowerment and upliftment. During the WINGS-2024 (Work and Industry Neutral Growth Skill) Capacity Building Workshop INYAS released three publications.

The first publication is a culmination of 2024 goals under WiSDom – WINGS 2024, NAARI, GIRL and HER story. The WINGS 2024 is designed to empower future women leaders across academia and industry via interactive sessions and hand-on activities. The NAARI is a publication initiative in technical science articles in collaboration with Springer. The GIRL programme is aimed to empower rural girl students in their scientific career. The last initiative of HER Story will spotlight inspiring women scientist stories for children in the form of vibrant comic series.

The second publication is the WINGS 2024 Brochure which is a compilation of WINGS 2024 vision, mission, themes, facilitators, participants and sponsors profile. Concludingly the third publication is the report of WiSDom initiative of 2023 named STEAM Gap at IIT Gandhinagar that encapsulates the discussions and deliberations that were on board. To summarise INYAS released three vibrant publications intrinsic to women in scientific diaspora.