About SciPADRec
About the Project
The present project proposal with the Inter-Academy Partnership of Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS) under the aegis of the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) and South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS) EXCO member, South Africa and National Young Academy of Nepal (NaYAN) is to offer science diplomacy skills inclusively and equitably for the sustainable development of the society. The workshop cum training is expected to broaden the current understanding of scientists about the intersection of science and technology, foreign affairs, and international relations which will help to address the multipronged challenges in designing the science policy at the national as well as international level. This will be essentially fruitful for scientists and other stakeholders of diverse specializations like
engineering, technology, mathematics, medicine, etc. who understand science but may not be diplomats and vice versa. Such workshops will offer a dialogue on how to empower these science diplomacy players. Such cross-cultural interactions will make scientists, diplomats, policymakers, and all the stakeholders future ready for global sustainable development.
Funding Body
Inter Academy Partnership
Partnership Academies
Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS), India
Indian National Science Academy (INSA), India